2014 Swimmers Itch/Weed Treatment Authorization Form - Due May 16
Post date: Apr 17, 2014 1:13:1 AM
The 2014 Authorization form is attached below in both PDF and MS Word formats.
The signed authorization form and payment (if applicable) are due back to Central Minnesota Aquatics, Inc by May 16, 2014.
Please print, complete and mail your form to:
Central Minnesota Aquatics
26735 Middle Cullen Road
Nisswa, MN 56468
218 963-7345
2014 Treatment Proposal
Curlyleaf Pondweed
MN DNR permit fee: N/A
Per Acre Herbicide Treatment Cost: 584.00
Swimmers Itch Control
MN DNR permit fee per property owner: 4.00
Treatment cost per property owner location: 31.00
Treatment area size: Approximately 50 feet by 50 feet per property owner, around docks.
Sago Pondweed
MN DNR permit fee per property owner ($750.00 maximum fee): $35.00
Per Acre Herbicide Treatment Cost: 494.00
There is a maximum MN DNR permit fee of $750.00 for the control of Swimmers itch and Sago Pondweed, both control efforts may be placed within the same permit. Any of the above treatments would require written property owner authorization, these authorization forms would be provided to CWLID by CMA.
CMA would complete the required MN DNR permit application paperwork required for the above treatments. CWLID would be responsible for placing swimmers itch treatment NOTICE signs on properties as has been done in past years.
Several lake surveys would be conducted for the accurate identification of target plants and these surveys would be performed with no additional charge.