Curlyleaf pondweed treatment planned for May 8-15 & Spring Meeting June 3rd

Post date: May 05, 2017 2:13:53 AM

Greetings CWLA Residents:

I received the following notification from our weed treatment vendor, Ron Duy, Central MN Aquatics:

Curlyleaf pondweed treatment will be performed between May 8-15, 2017 and any one NOT wanting treatment within 150 feet of their shoreline may contact us at 218 963-7345 to opt out of having treatment performed.

New DNR guidelines requires us to notify all lake residents, who may opt OUT of the treatment, whether they returned an authorization form or not.

Best Regards,

Ron Duy, Jr.

Central Minnesota Aquatics

26735 Middle Cullen Road

Nisswa, MN 56468

218 963-7345


Also: Reminding you all that our annual SPRING MEETING will be:

Saturday, June 3, 2017

9:00 Coffee

9:30 Meeting

Fort Ripley Town Hall (on 371 west of the lake)

You may bring your $15 dues to the meeting, mail them to us at PO Box 136, or join CWLA on line at

If you have not yet submitted your weed treatment authorization, please mail your authorization form directly to Central MN Aquatics (address on the form). Please do so no later than JUNE 1 to make your property lakeshore eligible for the swimmer's itch treatment later this summer.

Hope to see you soon!