Swimmer's Itch Update & 4th of July Activities
Post date: Jun 28, 2016 3:56:24 PM
Can you believe it... it's already 4th of July time on Crow Wing Lake.... and there is lots going on!
First of all - the DNR permit to spray for swimmer's itch has been obtain and, our vendor, Central MN Aquatics will be doing the application of the copper sulfate on EARLY Thursday morning, June 30, just in time for our big weekend. Swimmers' itch is alive and well - so we're thankful our LID can provide this treatment. Let's hope that wind dies down! IF you returned your authorization form, your area rep will be delivering an ORANGE sign sometime between Tuesday evening and Wed evening. These signs will note the areas to be treated. This sign must be posted on your dock or shoreline, before Thursday morning. If you are not home, your area rep will be securing your sign to the end of your dock or someplace visible on your shoreline. Please extend a big thank you to area reps - as they have to get this job done for all of us in a very short time frame!
On Saturday, July 2, King's Ransom will be playing on the water - near the POINT around 3:00pm. Please note, this is NOT A CWLA SPONSORED EVENT, but something that has become a tradition thanks to friends of band members and many volunteers. The concert is gratis - but donations are welcomed and encouraged - so please do not forget to bring some cash out on your boats to donate to the band, when the hat is passed. The event is becoming quite popular, with many more boats than usual on our little lake. Please boat responsibly and remember: Please do not litter and keep in mind, SAFETY FIRST!
Another fun event that has become a tradition is the annual 4.4 on the 4th!
Get your shoes, bikes, trikes, or other wheels shined up... or bring your encouragement for participants and come join the fun next Monday!
Monday, July 4, 2016 @ 8:30 am
The Start/Finish line is located on the corner of Chippewa Lane and Chippewa Shores Road
Kids 1 mile race will begin after the main race completes (around 9:30)
If you are interested in purchasing a CROW WING LAKE sign.... Matt Worms has so graciously volunteered to make them available to our membership. Contact Matt if you'd like to proudly display one at your home or cabin. Matt can be reached at 320 250-5288 or mattworms@albanytel.com Thank you Matt!
And thank you to all who have joined our Assn this year and paid their $15 dues! We appreciate your support. We're so excited to announce we now have the ability to join and renew memberships on-line! Thank you Tim, Adam and Jeanne - for getting this convenient system set up. We expect membership to grow by leaps and bounds~ Invite your neighbors to join - especially if you have any new property owners in your neighborhood!
Happy 4th of July! Have fun and stay safe!